Patient Code of Conduct

Plume prides itself on providing high quality transgender healthcare and on treating everyone as a person of worth and value. We are committed to creating a safe, caring, and inclusive environment for everyone — including our staff and clinicians. We ask that everyone at Plume, in all interactions, be treated with kindness, dignity, and respect. Our Patient Code of Conduct is intended to help us achieve this goal.

To this end, the following behaviors are not welcome at Plume:

  1. Abusive or harassing behaviors, such as verbal threats to staff

  1. Offensive comments about staff members’ race, accent, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal traits

  1. Refusal to see or work with a staff member based on the traits listed above

  1. Sexual or vulgar comments or photos directed at a staff member

  1. Disrupting another patient’s care or experience

If we believe you have violated the Code of Conduct with unwelcome behaviors or actions, you may be given an opportunity to explain your point of view. In some circumstances, a corrective plan may be put in place. If we believe the behavior cannot be corrected, patients may be asked to leave and make other plans for their care, though we expect this to be rare. This may include, but is not limited to, a change of provider, creating a provisional period for care, or ending care with Plume entirely. 

Every day, our care team is committed to providing our patients with the highest levels of care. Thank you for treating our team members with respect. 

If you witness or are the target of any of these behaviors, please report it to a member of your care team immediately