Head hair care

Hair care can be a daunting task, especially if you’re using gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT, sometimes also called HRT or hormone replacement therapy). Nonbinary and transgender people who take GAHT might notice changed hair growth patterns, texture, and thickness. It can be hard to know where to start in order to keep your hair healthy and looking its best. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips that can help you maintain a healthy head of hair, no matter what your hair type may be.


With the right products and a little bit of care and attention, you can keep your hair healthy and looking great. So don’t let the fear of not knowing how to care for your hair keep you from looking your best. Read on for some essential tips for healthy hair care for nonbinary and transgender people when hormones change your hair growth patterns, texture, and thickness.

Understanding Your Hair Type

Every person’s hair type is unique, but there are certain characteristics that many hair types have in common. For instance, you can determine your hair type based on its texture and thickness. Your hair texture can be straight, wavy, curly, or coiled. As for your hair thickness, thin or thick hair growth patterns are the norm. People who use testosterone will likely notice some hair loss over time or even baldness.

Keeping all of this in mind, it’s easy to see how hormone changes can affect your hair. For instance, if you have coarse, thick hair and your gender-affirming hormone therapy transforms this hair type into thin, fine hair, you’ll have to change your hair care routine to accommodate your new hair type. 

Hair type can also determine what types of styles you can wear. For example, if you have straight hair, you can probably wear just about any hairstyle you want. On the other hand, if you have thin, curly hair, you may have to opt for more low-key styles to keep your hair looking its best.

Finding the Right Shampoo and Conditioner

If your hormones have thinned your hair, you may have to change your shampoo and conditioner. Remember, fine hair growth patterns are different from coarse hair growth patterns, so coarse shampoo and conditioner don’t always work well with thin hair. Instead, you’ll want to find products made specifically for thin hair. 

You can also consider trying natural shampoo and conditioner that is free of chemicals and dyes that can weigh down your hair. In addition to shampoo and conditioner, there are many other products you can use to keep your hair clean and healthy. For instance, you can use a hair mask every once in a while to seriously boost the health of your hair. You can also use hair sprays to add volume and hold to thin hair to make it look thicker.

Regular Trims and Haircuts

If your hormone changes have thinned your hair, you may want to add regular trims to your hair care routine. You may also want to consider regular haircuts if your hair has gotten too thin. Strands for Trans is a helpful directory of salons and barber shops that offer inclusive services for transgender and nonbinary folks. 

Regular trims and haircuts can keep your hair healthy and looking its best even if it’s thin. They can also help you avoid the risk of your hair breaking off or falling out. If your hormone changes have given you thicker hair, you will have to make sure to get regular trims just as often as anyone else with thick hair. While thicker hair can look great, it can also get weighed down if you don’t let it grow long enough to maintain healthy ends.

Protecting Your Hair from Heat

Transgender and nonbinary people often worry about their hair thinning as a result of transitioning to a new hormone regimen. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can protect your hair from thinning even as your hormone levels change. One of the simplest ways to protect your hair is to avoid heat altogether. This includes things like styling tools and heated irons. If you must use heated styling tools, opt for the lowest heat setting possible. 

Furthermore, you can use thermal protectant sprays or creams to help shield your hair from the heat of certain styling tools. If you’re worried about thinning hair as a result of transitioning, you may also want to consider wearing your hair up more often. Hair tends to break off more often when it’s exposed to the elements, so keeping it covered up where possible can help protect it from damage.

Eating Right for Healthy Hair

Healthy eating is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for transgender and nonbinary people who use gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT, also sometimes called HRT or hormone replacement therapy). Eating a healthy diet can help promote hair growth, protect against thinning, and promote thicker hair. A diet rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and vitamin B-12 can do wonders for your hair. 

For a more specific meal plan, you can consult a nutritionist. A nutritionist can work with you to create a healthy, balanced diet that will promote your hair growth. You can also look up healthy eating plans online or in books.

Regular Scalp Massages

If your hormone changes have made your hair thinner, you can boost its health and thickness by regularly giving your scalp a massage. You can do this on your own at home or with a friend or partner. This can stimulate hair growth, along with hair restoration medications.

To massage your scalp, locate your hairline, and slowly work your way back. You can use an oil or lotion to make this process easier. Giving your scalp a massage regularly can help increase blood flow to your hair follicles, which can help promote healthier hair growth.

Using Natural Hair Treatments

Sometimes, you’re not able to avoid thinning hair, but you can take steps to make it look thicker. For instance, you can regularly use a natural hair treatment to make your hair look thicker. Hair treatments come in a variety of forms, including sprays, creams, and gels. They usually contain natural ingredients like oils, vitamins, and proteins that can help strengthen your hair and make it look thicker. You can find hair treatments at most beauty supply stores and drugstores. 

Natural hair treatments are easy to use. Simply apply them as directed on your hair after you’ve washed and dried it. You can even use them as a styling product to add volume to your hair or hold a hairstyle in place.

Combating Dryness

Dryness can lead to breakage and thinning hair, so it’s important to combat it if your hair is starting to get dry. One way to do this is to use a deep conditioner once a week. Deep conditioners are thicker than regular conditioners. They can help moisturize your hair and protect it from breakage. 

If you have trouble finding a deep conditioner, you can also use a hair mask. Simply apply it to your hair as you would any other conditioner. Leave it in for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it out. Hair masks can be more effective than conditioners at moisturizing your hair, so they may be a better option if your hair is very dry.


As a nonbinary or transgender person, looking after your skin can feel like a chore. Everyone wants to have healthy, glowing skin, but it can be difficult to find tips that are tailored to your unique needs. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to ensure you have the healthiest skin possible. From understanding why it’s important to wear sunscreen to the best products for sensitivity, this guide will provide you with the essential tips for healthier skin. With the right skincare routine, you can enjoy a complexion that is both comfortable and beautiful.

Why is skincare important for nonbinary and transgender people?

For many people, skincare is a simple task that they perform as part of their daily routine. However, for nonbinary and transgender people, it is essential to properly care for your skin. Healthy skin is important not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for practical ones. If you are prone to acne, eczema, or psoriasis, your skin may become inflamed and irritated. This can result in painful, unsightly bumps or lesions. If you wear a binder, packer, gaff, or other gender-affirming undergarments, your sensitive skin may get even more irritated. 

With the right skincare routine, you can reduce your risk of these issues and enjoy a healthy complexion. Not only does skincare help prevent acne and other issues, but it can also ensure that your hormones have a healthy effect on your skin. This is especially important if you are taking gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT, also sometimes called HRT or hormone replacement therapy), as these hormones might change your skin texture or tone. By taking steps to soften the impact of gender-affirming hormones, you can prevent issues such as acne, dryness, and thinning of the skin.

The importance of sunscreen

When it comes to skincare, the most important step you take is probably applying sunscreen. Not only does sunscreen help prevent skin damage, but it can also prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging. In fact, the earlier you start using sunscreen, the better. Once you turn 30, your skin begins to age at a much faster rate. 

While sunscreen is important for everyone, it is especially important for nonbinary and transgender people. This is due to the fact that hormone therapy can cause your skin to become more sensitive to the sun’s damaging rays. As such, sunscreen is an essential part of any skincare routine for people taking GAHT. 

Keep in mind that most sunscreens are not designed to be used by people with sensitive skin. As such, it is important to find a product that is specifically tailored to your needs and experiment with more than one type of sunscreen to figure out what works best.

Tips for moisturizing properly

Applying sunscreen is important, but it is just as important to moisturize your skin. This is especially true if you are on estrogen GAHT, as these hormones can cause your skin to become dry and flaky. Moisturizing can help reduce the negative impact of these hormones while also providing your skin with the hydration it needs to stay healthy. 

With that said, not all moisturizers are created equal. Therefore, it is important to choose a product that is tailored to your specific skin type—especially if you have sensitive skin. This can include using a non-fragranced moisturizer and steering clear of scented products. Additionally, moisturizing on a regular basis is the most effective way to keep your skin hydrated. 

Make sure to moisturize both your face and your body to keep your skin looking its best. It is also a good idea to invest in a pair of gloves, as this will allow you to moisturize your hands without having to touch your sensitive skin directly.

Dealing with sensitivity

As discussed above, nonbinary and transgender people may experience skin sensitivity as a result of hormone therapy. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to combat the negative effects of skin sensitivity. For example, you can try to moisturize your skin more often. In addition to preventing dryness, this can also help protect your skin from the elements. 

Another option is to use gentle cleansers, as harsh soaps can irritate your skin and make your condition worse. If you are experiencing extreme sensitivity, you may want to try using a soothing oatmeal or aloe vera-based cleanser. In those cases, you might also consider wearing gloves when washing dishes or using the computer keyboard. Words can’t describe how important those actions are to protect your skin from the environment.

Finding the right skincare products

When selecting skincare products, it is important to find ones that are tailored to your specific needs. This means finding products that are appropriate for your skin type, as well as your sensitivity. For example, you may want to select an oil-free moisturizer or a cleanser designed for sensitive skin. 

Alternatively, you could also try using natural ingredients such as aloe vera or coconut oil. Keep in mind that some ingredients may not be suitable for everyone, including nonbinary and transgender people of all complexion types. For example, many skincare products contain retinol, which may not be suitable for people on GAHT. In fact, retinol can actually increase the negative effects of hormone therapy. As such, it may be better to choose a skincare product that does not contain retinol.

Eating for healthy skin

While skincare products can help to protect and moisturize your skin, they are not a substitute for a healthy diet. Your diet can greatly affect the health of your skin, and thus it is important to eat a variety of nutritious foods. For example, Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that can help to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging. It also provides your skin with the hydration it needs to remain healthy. 

Similarly, foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation and prevent acne. If you are unsure about which foods are best for your skin, you can visit a dermatologist for some advice. They will be able to recommend a diet that is tailored to your skin’s specific needs.

Understanding hormones and their effect on skin

Many nonbinary and transgender people choose to use gender-affirming hormones as part of their general health and gender transition needs. Hormone therapy can significantly affect your skin, especially if you are taking estrogen. For example, your skin may become more sensitive to the sun, which could lead to an increased risk of sunburn. In addition, your skin may also become drier, and you may notice a reduction in your skin’s elasticity. 

Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can reduce the negative effect of hormone therapy on your skin. For example, you can use a moisturizer that is rich in hyaluronic acid. This can help to prevent your skin from becoming drier. In addition, you can try to wear sunscreen in the daytime to help prevent sun damage.

Natural remedies for skincare

Many nonbinary and transgender people also enjoy using natural remedies for skincare. There are several herbs and plants that can be used to improve the appearance of your skin. For example, aloe vera can be used to reduce the redness caused by acne, as well as other skin irritations. 

Similarly, honey can be used as a natural cleanser that can fight acne and prevent skin damage due to the sun. There are also several other natural remedies that can be used to improve the appearance of your skin. Keep in mind that these remedies may have limited effects, so it is best to use them in conjunction with a skincare routine.

DIY skincare treatments

In addition to using skincare products and natural remedies, you can also create your own skincare treatments using items from your home. For example, you can mix baking soda with coconut oil to create an exfoliating scrub. You can also create a homemade face mask using ingredients such as honey, oats, and milk. These DIY skincare treatments can be great alternatives to buying expensive products. You can even gift them to your friends and family members who want to take good care of their skin.

Setting up a regular skincare routine

After reading all of these skincare tips and tricks, you may be ready to implement a new skincare routine. However, it is important to note that it can take several weeks for new skincare products to fully work. It is important not to get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Instead, you should set up a regular skincare routine that you can stick to. This can help you to create a skincare routine that is best for you.

Facial hair care

Are you a trans man or transmasculine person who is considering growing out your facial hair? Or perhaps you already have facial hair and are looking for tips on how to care for it properly? Facial hair can be a great way to express your identity, and with the right care, you can make sure it looks healthy and presentable. 

This step-by-step guide to facial hair care for trans men and transmasculine people covers everything from prepping your skin before growing out your facial hair to the proper technique for trimming and styling it. With this guide, you can learn how to make sure your facial hair looks its best and gives you the confidence to wear it proudly!

Preparing your skin for facial hair growth

Before you start growing facial hair, it’s important to get your skin ready for the process. This means taking care of your skin to ensure that it has the right conditions to support facial hair growth as naturally as possible. Growing out facial hair can be a bit of a lengthy process, but with the right preparation, you can make sure that it grows in strong and healthy. 

  • Exfoliate your skin regularly – Facial hair grows in naturally around your face, which means that your pores are close to the surface. If your pores get clogged with dead skin, dirt, and other impurities, the hair follicles can become blocked. Exfoliating your skin regularly can help prevent these pores from getting too clogged, which can help your facial hair grow in healthy and strong. 
  • Use a face wash that is gentle enough for your skin – Choosing the right facial cleanser can be tricky, especially when you have sensitive skin. Facial hair can be a bit more intense near your face, so it’s important to find a face wash that is gentle enough to clean your skin without irritating it. 
  • Hydrate your skin – Growing out facial hair can take a bit of time, especially if you’re just starting to grow it out. During this process, it can be helpful to hydrate your skin to support healthy hair growth around your face.

Choosing the right facial hair style

When it comes to growing facial hair, you have a few different options. Most facial hair styles are purely aesthetic, but they can also offer some practical benefits. Depending on your lifestyle and what you want from your facial hair, you can find the right style to meet your needs.

  • Mustache – A mustache can be a great way to add a bit of flair to your facial hair. It can be styled to suit any occasion or style, and it can also be a handy way to prevent food from getting into your mouth while you’re eating.
  • Goatee – A goatee is a great way to add some flair to your facial hair without growing it out too far. It can be styled in a variety of different ways and can look great when paired with a short haircut!
  • Full beard – Growing out a full beard can be a great way to express your identity and add some flair to your facial hair. Full beards can be styled in a variety of different ways, and they can look great with a variety of different hairstyles. 
  • Stubble – A short beard style can be a great way to add some flair to your facial hair while also being easy to maintain. It can be styled to suit a variety of different styles and can look great when paired with short hairstyles.

Tips and techniques for growing facial hair

If you’ve made the decision to grow out your facial hair, it’s important to approach it in a healthy way. Growing out your facial hair can take a bit of time, but if you follow these tips, you can make sure that it grows in strong and healthy. 

  • Exfoliate your skin regularly – Remember the advice we shared above! It’s just as important when growing out facial hair. Exfoliating your skin regularly while growing out your facial hair can help prevent clogged pores and keep your skin healthy. 
  • Hydrate your skin – As we mentioned above, it can be helpful to hydrate your skin while growing out your facial hair. Hydrating your skin can keep it healthy and make it easier for your facial hair to grow in, which can help you reach your desired length more quickly. 
  • Trim your facial hair regularly – While growing out your facial hair, you may need to trim it regularly. Once every couple of weeks or so is a good rule of thumb. Trimming your facial hair regularly can help prevent it from getting too long, which can make styling it a bit easier.

How to trim and shape your facial hair

Once you’ve grown out your facial hair, you may want to trim and shape it to suit your look. This can help your facial hair look more presentable and easier to style. When you’re trimming your facial hair, it’s important to do so with a sharp pair of scissors or clippers. Trying to do it with blunt scissors or clippers can be more difficult and can cause you to strain your hands. 

If you want a specific style for your facial hair, you can also consider visiting a barber or stylist. If you’re not sure where to go, you can check out Strands for Trans to find a barber near you that caters to the needs of transgender men!

How to take care of your facial hair

Now that you’ve grown out your facial hair, you need to make sure that you take care of it. Doing so will help your facial hair look healthier and stronger. Here are some tips for taking care of your facial hair. 

  • Clean your facial hair regularly – Like any other part of your body, it’s important to clean your facial hair regularly. This can help prevent impurities from building up and causing breakouts.
  • Hydrate your hair – As we mentioned above, it can be helpful to hydrate your facial hair while growing it out. This can make it easier to grow and can also make it look healthier.
  • Avoid brushing your facial hair – Brushing your facial hair can be damaging, especially if you’re using a standard hairbrush. Instead, try using a comb to gently comb your facial hair while it’s wet, or try using your fingers to gently massage your facial hair.

Tips for finding a barber or stylist that caters to facial hair care for trans men

As we mentioned above, you can find a barber or stylist that caters to the needs of transgender men by visiting Strands for Trans. For an easy way to find a barber or stylist near you, you can simply type in your zip code on the website and it will show you a list of nearby professionals that are catered to trans men. From there, you can see what services each barber or stylist offers and find one that works best for your needs. 

If you’ve made the decision to start growing out your facial hair, you can use this guide to make sure that you’re doing it in a healthy way. From prepping your skin to styling your facial hair, this guide has everything you need to grow out your facial hair and make sure it looks great!